A breast biopsy is used when an abnormality that has been detected by ultrasound, mammography, or clinical exam is found, and tissue acquisition is necessary to determine its nature.
At Health Solutions Well Woman Clinic, we offering ultrasound guided biopsies. The procedure is performed in a convenient, comfortable outpatient setting. The procedure is minimally invasive, non-scarring, and non-surgical. You can return to normal activities the following day.
Our clinic nurse will take a brief medical history. You will be asked to change into a gown and lie down on the scanning table. The doctor will apply a local anesthetic to your breast and insert a needle into the breast abnormality, using imaging guidance technology. Samples are obtained, and a small surgical marking clip is placed in the area biopsied, which will identify the site for future reference. The marker will cause no pain, disfigurement, or harm. Following the procedure, your skin will be covered with Steri-Strips to protect the biopsy site and promote healing. A follow-up mammogram is then obtained.
Plan for a 2-hour appointment, which includes a radiologist/physician consultation and possible additional mammogram images following the procedure. The procedure itself will take 30 to 40 minutes to complete.
Prior to the exam, do not take any products containing aspirin for at least 3 days prior to the exam. If you are on blood thinners, you will be instructed to discontinue these medications. Wear a comfortable two-piece outfit. You will be asked to change into a gown. Eat a light meal. Plan to be off work the day of the procedure. Most women can return to normal activities the following day. You will not need a driver.
Samples are sent to lab for analysis. We will contact you within 5 business days with the results. Copies of your results can be provided to you or faxed/e-mailed to your primary care physician.
You will be sent home with an ice pack, Steri-Strips, and post-procedure instructions. The site will be tender for a few days, and bruising will likely be present. Most women experience a moderate ache, which is usually controlled by an ice compress and acetaminophen. Avoid strenuous activity, and get plenty of rest. You may bathe the morning after the biopsy, being careful not to soak or scrub the biopsy site.